Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Another Great Idea Shot to Hell

So my usual partner-in-weirdness Stu and I were having our usual mutual commuting chat the other morning, when I had a brain seizure of an idea:

Bobbleheads of Dictators!

Mao Tse Tung! Castro! Mussolini! HITLER!

Imagine Adolf, happily bobbing his head up and down in the back of the SoccerMomMobile while jamming out some Green Day! Great Neptune's Man-Nipples! What joy!

And, alas, as usual, someone had beaten me to the quick.

Well, kids do love Hitler. He's so huggable and loveable! Look at that cute little mustache! C'mon, kids! It's the Adolf Hitler Action Figure! You can tie his shoes in little nazis! Woo hooooo!

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