Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Political Hoo-Ha

We're a little slow to receive the latest, new, hip things here in the Northwoods. One has to erect a New Hip Thing Parabolic Antenna just in order to catch the tail end of All Things Hip, usually about 20 minutes before Hip Expiration. That being said, forgive me for just discovering the comic strip, .This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow.
I was perusing the Entertainment Rag for Wausau, WI and stumbled across the following, piss-my-pants-funny cartoon:

(if you can't read the tiny font, click on the cartoon for a larger version)

Sad but true. Ironically, this cartoon summarizes about 2 paragraphs of the interview with Bill Maher in Rolling Stone that I read this am, whilst dropping some neo-cons off at the pool.

This morning, oft-partner-in-crime Stu called me during our mutual commutes. The conversation turned, as it often does, to politics and how Stu had seen the cartoon (I posted it on my Myspace as well). A Neanderthal with a Big Rock seems to be just the sort of candidate that the American Public (read "worlds largest collective of total retards") wants.

I asked Stu, "What in the name of all that's holy will we have to choose from a year from now? -- Hillary and Rudy...Good Lord!"

He concurred. There is no lesser of these two evils. Vote for Corporate Puppet A, or Corporate Puppet B? And voting for anyone else is 'throwing your vote away'. And if you don't vote, you don't have a right to bitch.

I ask Stu, "So how far are we from public hangings of all of our elected officials?" Stu replied, "About 4 more percentage points on the rate of taxation, if you look at History".

We then started to discuss what we think would be the ideal replacement for the current system of government, which we both agreed was far outdated from what our founding fathers envisioned in a day before radio, television, the Internet and mass media hysteria.

Stu proposed that the Presidency, which is mostly an ornamental job anyway, be a one-year term and have little power. Which is pretty much what it is now, except that it goes on way too long. No re-election, a one time term, period.

The House and the Senate would also have one year terms and a salary of around $25,000 to $30,000 a year, and would be a part-time job, requiring about 5 hours of work per week (which is more than those fat ass lazy drunken bastards do now!). Again, no re-election concurrently. They can run again after a year, unlike the Presidency.

The Judicial Branch, no more lifetime posts of drooling, pants-shitting alzheimers victims. There's a lot of judges in this country, one year is sufficient on the bench.

By limiting these terms, no one is sitting around idle in a desk with time on their hands long enough for corruption to foster. No egotistical Texas Cowboys will be in office long enough to get an attitude about losing face in a war that shouldn't have been started. No one will have to poke a supreme court justice to make sure that they're still breathing. No evil vice president will be able to put together a sinister, Third Reich-like plan for world conquest and execute it in a year's time. And, it puts government back in the hands of the common man and takes it OUT of the hands of lifelong bottom-sucking political sea-lamprey types.

I don't always agree with Stu, but this time I think he's got it dead-on.

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